In order to play a G-sharp minor root … To make things even more confusing, there’s a slight upward curve across the whole range of central node positions, following the rising sweep of the harp’s neck. You will also find better woods … The recognised harp range of notes is expressed as high 1st E at the top, down to 6th or 7th octaves in the lower register – so numbered in the opposite direction. Concert Harp (mid-range to top-end) A concert harp will have a better-quality soundboard, which gives a better sound and allows the concert artist to fully express their talent. The top note you envisage needing is what we all know as 2nd octave C – however you will appreciate that the vertex of the harp … Each string produces one note, the gradation of string length from short to long corresponding … The range of a 47-string concert pedal harp is roughly six and a half octaves. Harp, stringed instrument in which the resonator, or belly, is perpendicular, or nearly so, to the plane of the strings. Harp makers also introduced a progressive gradation for the angle of the strings to one another in a manner that made the angle between the harpist’s fingers and the strings remain the same from the middle to the highest range of the harp …