Importance of scheduling Scheduling is very important looking to its following advantages: Well defined order of the execution of different activities can be known. The file is … Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. Buildings may be residential or public building like school, colleges, government office, hospitals, etc. This presentation explains the various fields of Civil Engineering and the scope of these fields. Geologists study the land to determine whether it is stable enough to support the proposed project. Limitations of Critical Path ' It does not consider uncertainties in planning. Selection of proper site, topography, soil and cost of land. Procurement of material plant, machinery and employing labours. Why? • One who designs and maintains works of public utility is known as civil engineer. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Free + Easy to edit + Professional + Lots backgrounds. It includes design of reinforced cement concrete ( RCC) and steel structures. Management is concerned with When? As delay is reduced, it results in saving the cost. Hence, the subject is very vast and advancing over time. Well before the need, arrangement for the funds can be made. You can change your ad preferences anytime. Sound knowledge of geology and geotechnical engineering is necessary for construction of earth related structures. It also includes watershed planning, water harvesting techniques, soil conservation and soil reclamation. c. Be a graduate of civil engineering from a recognized and legally constituted school, institute, college or university. One who designs and maintains works of public utility is known as civil engineer. The hydrologic cycle describes the continuous re-circulating transport of the waters of the earth, linking atmosphere, land and oceans. The following aspects are to be considered in planning of a construction project. To carry out soil investigations for the design of foundation of structures. Civil Engineering is that field of engineering concerned with planning, design and construction for environmental Control, development of natural resources, buildings, transportation facilities and other structures required for health, welfare, safety, employment and pleasure of mankind" Fredrick .S. The part of activity which is completed is shown by a dark shade on the bar. .1.2 Scope Engineering geological maps are developed due to the cooperation between geologists and engineers in the building of larger engineering works such as tunnel, dams and railways. Optimistic time ( to) is the time when all situations are favorable. See our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Structural Engineering is the back bone of civil engineering and is one of the most sophisticated branch in civil engineering. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Time is mentioned on X-axis and activities on Y-axis. ' Limitation of Bar Chart ' It is useful for small and simple jobs ' Interdependency of activities is not well defined. ' d. Be a registered civil engineer duly qualified to practice civil engineering in the Philippines; e. Have practiced civil engineering, with a certificate as such, for a period of not less than ten years It helps in preparing construction schedule. Environmental Engineering ' Environmental Engineering deals with pollution control and public health engineering. Please enter the OTP sent to your mobile number: Civil Engineering-Its Definition, Branch and Scope. Before construction ' During construction After Construction, Before Construction Feasibility study Surveying Site investigation Planning Design and drawing Estimating Planning & Scheduling. Structural Engineering is the back bone of civil engineering and is one of the most sophisticated branch in civil engineering. Management Management is a social and scientific process of defining the objectives, planning, organizing, coordinating, motivating, controlling and harnessing the resources of an organization at the optimum level to achieve predetermined goal. Scribd will begin operating the SlideShare business on December 1, 2020 Civil Engineering • The main scope of civil engineering or the task of civil engineering is planning, designing, estimating, supervising construction, managing construction, execution, and maintenance of structures like building, roads, bridges, dams, etc. In the town planning areas of town are divided into residential, commercial, recreational and industrial zones, which is called zoning. To have overall control which includes financial control of the project and to maintain quality and workmanship. Under water construction requires specific type of equipment.

scope of civil engineering ppt

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