As with broilers in the first 24 to 48 hours after placing, select a random sample of chicks a few times and gently check  the crop is full, soft and round (shows feed and water are present) and the chick is thriving.For the first 36 hours use an intermittent light programme of four hours on and two hours off (or three hours on and three off) to rest the poults and stimulate feeding when the lights come on. Hatchery Management 291 13. Hatchery operation directly impacts profitability because chick quantity is dependent on hatchery operation. Keeping house specific boots and overalls in each control room is good practice, replenish foot dips twice weekly. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Records Keeping 445 23. This increases the risk of parasites and faecal organisms entering the flock. See our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Shelters and trees placed further out on the range encourage the birds to move out from the house reducing the overuse of land closer to the house.Fencing around the perimeter of the range is extremely important. About one third of the building is used for brooding after which the birds are given access to the entire house until layer breeders are … For turkey … The poultry management practices have improved many folds, diseases and mortality incidences have reduced greatly. -9 3 Integrated Farming systems -Role of Livestock and Poultry, manure management methods, Duck/Fish/Rice Culture. Maintain a robust rodent control programme, keep all areas clean, tidy and free from debris/rubbish. This system makes it easier to carry out the many necessary vaccination programs. The stones are also heated by the sun again helping reduce bacterial build-up. Increase the night period to eight to 10 hours by the time the poults are seven to 10 days old. Feed Conversion Ratio / dozen eggs or kilogram of meat. This reduces the likelihood of disease or worm transmission. Breeder Management