Today’s our school text books are full with stories of Hitler. The state of Israel has been conducting it's own Holocaust for over 70 years way worse than WW2. One of the most Phenomenal human beings to ever walk this planet. And I loved him so much And he failed to peace the world he did try his best to human life. He's passing laws, and doing things that help us. He did many great things. The one and only Elvis. The very first Renaissance man. Choice is YOURS...prise be to God. He was great man but also just a man. The most advanced and knowledgeable prophet. He was fair and honest, so he did not become the king because America had just fought a war to be independent from Kings and royalty. He stands alone in music history not just as a mega star but as the great man he was. Contrary to popular belief, he wasn't the first ANC president, whoever said he was missed the other 10 leaders before him and Notable leaders for that.2. The people with the greatest minds of all time deserves to be ranked highly. Overall Nelson Mandela is a an amazing person with a legacy that is unforgettable. Try it, Jesus is REAL! Citation: Pettinger, Tejvan. He has contributed so much that is good, hopeful, cutting edge and forward thinking. Each one of these incredible and inspirational people used the power of their minds to change the world. And it's YOUR fault that he's our president. Hardly anyone can be credited with creating a nation-state. (This is coming from a 12 year old, guys. Only The Holy Spirit of God, opens up our spirit to understand the enormity of the miracle of Salvation through Jesus Christ. Hitler’s aimed to become the world’s most powerful man as the causes of WW2 and the Holocaust. He's pursuing peace in the Middle East and Korean peninsula, crafted and passed great trade deals, cut taxes down dramatically, and much more, all with the corrupt evils of the world attempting to bring him down. He have the hell prepared for evil.About Muhammad, he is the best of all humans and will always be, He is the greatest ever and just do onething or copy one act of sunnah you will happy in the world and after. Albert Einstein was a great person.. The most important man to spread and defend the Enlightenment ideals which shape our world today - equality of opportunity, equality under the law, meritocracy, secular education, religious toleration, efficient administration, property rights, law and order, promotion of arts and science, etc. Please. He saved gods people so I say he should be at LEAST number 2 on the list, I vote for moses because he splitting the sea... that's gangster blood. For me, he is really overrated and rightfully not in the top 10. With over 4 billion followers of football, it is by far the most popular sport in the world. Jesus died on the cross and was torched to death and people today should honour this bearing in mind that we ALL get judged after our death and there is a place called hell and it's not just something like out of a made up fiction film. Africa he was crowned a king and loved out there they all wanted to see him even the poorest parts of Africa went after Michael Jackson. Now they always bring an extra Bible to president ceremonies. Caesar's legacy continues to this day. Those who believe that Jesus son of Mary was the God, indeed we have prepared the hell for them. Martin Luther King Jr is a great person. Jesus is not a God. From: Niki Standet. Master was great, his teachings reflects human life as it is,he was one of the first who sacrifice everything and work for human welfare even after attaining enlightenment.And this list which puts even Michael Jackson & Adolf Hitler ahead of Master,I don't understand.Master explained the truth of the life and always emphasized reality.Master never a taught single thing bad or unethical or dishonest or illogical or impractical in his teaching. Jafta Masemola (Of the PAC at the time) was also jailed for 27 years but no one ever mentions him because he refused to negotiate with the white men and term them a necessary evil like what Mandela did.Ok I don't mean to bring down a great man's legacy but most of it is really built on lies, so For me, he is way way overrated, praise him for the truth not lies. He gave so much to everyone but people sadly just kept taking and taking, but not just that but also taking advantage of the kindness he had. He will always be true. ), Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior died for my sins and he is the reason why I have a chance to be with the father in Heaven he is real it is proven that he was born in 4 BC in Jidda, Roman Empire and died in 30/33 AD in Jerusalem Judea, Roman Empire at around aged 33-36 The Bible says it and never deny the people so many miracles, prayers and questions of me has been answered I have accepted Jesus Christ as my eternal lord and savior you should too we still have time thank you Jesus for dying for us I love to have you in my life can’t wait to see you when it is my time to go. Beyond famous, beyond great, an unexplainable phenomenon, the great Elvis. However, the fact that she`s only the tenth may frustrate a lot of hardcore fans. We all looked up to him. The Ethnologue's most recent list of languages by number of speakers; Languages Spoken by More Than 10 Million People (Archived 2009-10-31) – Encarta list, based on data from Ethnologue, but some figures (e.g. He has it all and nobody else will ever come anywhere near him. You voted for him., 31/01/2016. But remember you don't know when we are going to die. He raised his voice to uplift the status of women. Football/Soccer. It's difficult to argue that this man was without a doubt one of the world's greatest strategist, topped only by some historical figures. A real human being. Had the world regarded him as a hero much like Jesus Christ, we may be better off today. He had a different n difficult childhood but still did much for children all around the world and yet there were people who wanted to defame him n tried hard to do so but still he was proved innocent n I really don't like when people talk bad about him he was such a great person. He wanted freedom, but not through violence. she loved everyone. English, Russian, German all use some variation of the Roman Emperors name to mean "leader". He is the ultimate bad guy that people can see videos and clear photos of. Fun Fact: George Washington was actually the first President of the United States of America. I don't know him that well but I know he's a good guy, He was a leader of the dawn of civilisation. She is still the Queen of our hearts and shall always continue to be. I was pretty sure he wouldn't turn out like his father. Martin Luther King JR is a man with a lot of hopes. To rank Napoleon so low at number 27 shows a complete lack of historical knowledge on part of people who compile this list. It makes me want to do something really great. He also made the most amazing painting the mon alias. Pharroh (Moses's step dad)would pray to Allah at night and then say he is God.His wife accepted Islam but was made fun of and tortured(Asiyah).she found Moses on the lake floating when his biological mother did this because solders were raiding the city.Later Asiyah became martyred by a boulder but before the boulder hit her Allah killed her.Moses even fasted and was a very srtong man.

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