These languages are usually used in conjunction with a database and its data dictionary. The period 1956 to 1963 is roughly considered as the period of Second Generation of Computers. Fourth generation languages are also known as very high level languages. They are designed to run on a number of different computers with few or no changes. To make a programmable device, structured instruction is required for functioning and running the device. var p = 'https:' == document.location.protocol ? Historically, this classification was used to indicate increasing power of programming styles. The machine language also referred to as the native language of the computer system is the first generation programming language. Later writers have somewhat redefined the meanings as distinctions previously seen as important became less significant to current practice. The first step in making software development easier and more efficient was the creation of Assembly languages. • The fifth generation languages, or 5GL, are programming languages that contain visual tools to The first generation of programming lan- guages, machine codes. programming languages generations pdf 3GL or third-generation language is a high-level programming language, such. // >